Introducing… Reckoning by Nick Wilford

Please welcome Nick Wilford to my blog as the next stop on his epic tour. Nick is releasing the final instalment of his Black & White trilogy – a series I’ve been privileged to critique. Nick and I were introduced by a mutual author friend and we’ve been swapping projects ever since, so I’m delighted to introduce both Nick and one of his characters, Hedgeson, to you.

You can read my review of Reckoning here.

So, Hedgeson, take it away!


Alright, how’s it going? My name’s Hedgeson, and I’m an old mate of Wellesbury, the guy who’s running the country now. Well, we’re friends now, but it’s been a bit difficult over the years. When we were kids, playing together on the gravball team, everything was nice and simple. Then he befriended that Mallinger chap, the one who appeared out of nowhere on the street, and he just grew away from us. Yeah, yeah, we might have bullied him a bit, calling Mallinger a demon, but that was just how we were taught to think. We weren’t to know that his country, Loretania, was actually real, so how did Welles know that? He thought he was better than us somehow.

Anyway, it’s all squared up now, and Welles was right all along. Loretania really is real and our government really did keep its people in a state of disease and deprivation. Mallinger came here through a portal to try and help his people. Now we know everything, I suppose it makes sense in a way that Welles was so quick to believe him … if you believe in that sort of thing. But I don’t want to give away too much.

So now the old Reformers’ government are on trial, and I volunteered to conduct the defence. I just put my hand up for it straight away. Why? I’m not totally sure myself. I suppose there’s still a part of me that likes to make mischief, stir things up. It’s not like I don’t believe they’re guilty of what they’re accused of and they should be punished. I think the trial’s all going to go one way anyway. But this’ll be a chance to have a bit of fun, play devil’s advocate. I’m already knee deep in work on my argument, and it’s a bit of a challenge.

But the look on Welles’s face when I volunteered was a picture.


Title: Reckoning

Author: Nick Wilford

Genre: YA dystopian
Series: Black & White
Series #: 3 of 3

Release date: 20th September 2022

Publisher: Superstar Peanut Publishing


The time has come for those who perpetrated wrongdoing and suffering on the land of Loretania to face their judgement. Lord Histender and the other members of the deposed Reformers’ Government are in jail awaiting trial for keeping that country in a state of disease-ridden deprivation, alongside other heinous crimes.

Wellesbury Noon and Ezmerelda Dontible, the kind and benevolent new rulers of Harmonia, are looking forward to seeing justice finally being done. But nothing is that simple. Lunkin, the psychotic former Chief Scientist, has one more trick up his sleeve and is wreaking havoc even from behind bars. Soon, Loretanians who have come to make a new life in Harmonia are falling victim to hate crimes and brutal attacks. And things take a turn for the desperate when Wellesbury himself becomes compromised.

Can Welles and Ez turn the tide of public opinion and secure justice for the people of Loretania before it’s too late?

Purchase Links:

Amazon US / Amazon UK / Smashwords / Barnes & Noble / Kobo 

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If you haven’t read this series yet, you can download the first part, Black & White, for free to get you started: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Smashwords / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

You can learn more about Nick via his Linktree

Nick Wilford is a writer and stay-at-home dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those early morning times when the house is quiet to explore the realms of fiction, with a little freelance editing and formatting thrown in. When not working he can usually be found spending time with his family or wrangling his six adorable dogs. His first traditionally published novel, a YA sci-fi adventure entitled The Becalmer, will release from Creative James Media in August 2023. His other books include the Black & White trilogy, a YA dystopian series, and A Change of Mind and Other Stories, a collection featuring a novella and five short stories, four of which were previously published in Writer’s Muse magazine. Nick is also the editor of Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew.

8 thoughts on “Introducing… Reckoning by Nick Wilford

  1. Hi Annalisa and Nick – I love this take by Hedgeson on his early days … where we dive into life and learn afterwards. All the best to Nick with this his third part of the Reckoning trilogy … congratulations – cheers Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh heck, look at the date, and at how long ago I posted this. Thank you for the comments and for reading. Life is zooming past at a supersonic rate and I’m really not keeping up with anything at the moment!


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