Interview with… James Ladd Thomas

Hey, look, it's the third Monday of the month - and, as you can see, my posting more regularly goal is well and truly failing. On the plus side, I'm sweeping through the edits of the next novel, before the next set of edits later in the year. The chapters of one character's POV (it's … Continue reading Interview with… James Ladd Thomas

Interview with… Gina Troisi

Hey, it's the third Monday of the month... again! And this month, I've invited Gina Troisi to the Fountain Pen to share her writing with us. Gina is the author of the memoir, The Angle of Flickering Light (Vine Leaves Press, 2021). Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including Fourth Genre, The Gettysburg Review, … Continue reading Interview with… Gina Troisi